Introducing Live, Work, & Worship

Date: August 29, 2019

South Carolina Community Loan Fund works to provide specialized learning opportunities that help provide the skills and knowledge communities need to bring their projects to fruition. Live, Work, and Worship is a newly created technical assistance opportunity that we can offer at no cost to faith-based communities around the state. We’ve put together a brief Q&A to help you learn about the event, and hopefully see how it could be put to work in your community.

  1. What is Live, Work, & Worship?
    Live, Work & Worship is a training opportunity designed specifically for faith-based organizations across South Carolina.  We hope to demystify the lending process and prepare participants to solicit financing for their projects.  The ultimate goal is to empower these groups by providing the educational and financial resources necessary to create projects that will continue to make South Carolina a great place to live, work & worship.
  2. Why the focus on faith-based organizations?
    We are making a concerted effort to focus on faith-based organizations because they are uniquely positioned to achieve impact that extends far beyond worship—impact that nourishes not only the soul, but the mind, the body and the collective imagination of South Carolinians from the coast to the upstate.  That impact comes from the assets that many of these organizations hold.  We increasingly encounter faith-based institutions that own real estate and are searching for ways to ensure its highest and best use for the community.  As a Community Development Financial Institution, it is incumbent upon South Carolina Community Loan Fund to be a resource at the table as these discussions take place across the state.
  3. Who should attend Live, Work, & Worship?
    Any organization that wants to learn more about the loan process or wants to learn more about projects completed by other faith-based organizations across the state should attend a session of Live, Work & Worship offered throughout the year.
  4. Do you have examples of projects developed by church communities?
    Love House Ministries
    Charity Foundation
    Christian Services of Lancaster
  5. How can someone learn about upcoming events or request one in their community?
    The best way to learn more about upcoming events is to follow SC Community Loan Fund across its social media platforms, the Events page on our website and perhaps most importantly, by signing up for our newsletter!  But if you would like to request a session of Live, Work & Worship in your community feel free to reach out to our Program Manager or the Community Development Loan Officer in your area for more information.
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