South Carolina Community Loan Fund (SCCLF) is pleased to announce a new member of the Executive team, Leigh Ann Shelton. Leigh Ann joined the organization as Chief Financial Officer at the end of May, based out of SCCLF’s headquarters in Charleston.
“I have a great deal of enthusiasm and respect for SCCLF’s mission,” Leigh Ann said. “Coming from a position with a CDE that did a lot of large scale investing and having grown up in a rural part of Southern Missouri, I understand what a major impact having access to capital can have on rural and small communities. Giving people an opportunity to participate in the market, an opportunity that they might not otherwise have, really is an effective model and makes a meaningful difference. I am very excited to join the SCCLF team, and look forward to supporting the organization’s financial goals and long-term growth strategy.”
Read the full press release here. To learn more about Leigh Ann and other SCCLF staff members, visit our staff and board page.